Chapter 2: The Vulture
When Alice returned to Wonderland, she was transformed. Her hair smoothed out and was made glossy, her skin hydrated, and any aches or tension she felt in her muscles suddenly vanished. Her favorite part of the transformation, however, was her outfit change. Gone was her depressing hospital shift and in its place was a light blue blouse with a Peter Pan collar and buttery-soft pants that allowed for more stretch. She felt like herself again.

"Alice," Hatter breathed. He was stunned by her. "Your eyes are Alice-blue again."
"Alice-blue?" she asked.
Hatter nodded. "A very special blue I've only ever seen in you."
Hatter was too over-complimentary. She was saved from brushing off his flattery when he sped past her to the side of the mirror. Hanging on a curved hook beside the glass was a purple umbrella, close to the shade of Hatter's vibrant lilac hair. Hatter swiped it and twirled it about.
"What's that, Hatter?"
"Your transportation," White Rabbit replied before Hatter could speak.
Alice looked down at him. "We're riding an umbrella?"
"Of course, not," Hatter said. "We're flying it."
And flew they did. Hatter held Alice and Alice held Rabbit while the three of them flew high above the outskirts of Wonderland. Alice inhaled deeply. She loved the sweet smell of Wonderland, like dusts of powdered sugar gently floating into her nose.

After they landed, Hatter tucked the umbrella under his arm and started forward. Arm in arm, he and Alice strutted down the grassy trail, heading in the direction of the Underland Pub. There, they could meet their friends to ask if anyone had seen signs of the Red Queen. After she escaped exile and returned to Wonderland, the patrons of Underland would know where she had set up camp.
The White Rabbit followed closely behind, nervously worrying his fingers. Alice didn't bother to ask what was on his mind, however. Rabbit was always worried about something. And that something wasn't always worth worrying about.
As they wound around the tranquil trail, Alice took in the familiar trees and plants one could only find in Wonderland.
Sitting atop a giant mushroom cap was Alice's beloved Caterpillar and his ever-present hookah, both wrapped in a curtain of smoke.
"Caterpillar!" she nearly squealed with joy. "I've missed y-" Alice was cut off by an onslaught of severe, scratchy coughs.
Hatter put a hand to her shoulder-blade and patted roughly. "Blitzes, Caterpillar, put that out!"
Caterpillar blew a large smoky ring into his face, but did wave the smoke in the other direction away from Alice.
"Alice," he said in his soft, languid voice. His words stretched for miles. "Have you come to rescue us all again?"
Anyone who didn't know Caterpillar would have mistaken his tone for sarcasm. Alice, however, knew his bored, almost world-weary tone was just Caterpillar's way of speaking.
"I've come to help Rosa," Alice replied.
Caterpillar sucked in a big breath, mimicking the deep inhales he usually took off the hookah. Then, he let it out dramatically.
"Oh, yes. I heard about her tragic misfortune."
"Misfortune?" Hatter asked, an eyebrow cocked in amusement. "That's a word for it."
"If you think what happened to her was unfortunate," came a familiar voice with a sneaky lisp to it. Out of blue and purple smoke, a familiar face appeared to go with that voice. "Wait until you hear the news."
"Chesire!" Alice called out gleefully.
The Chesire Cat had a unique ability. He could disappear and reappear at will, usually in a wisp of blue and purple slithering smoke curls.
"Enough nonsense, we need to get to the center of Wonderland!" Rabbit fussed.
"Rabbit," Alice chastised. "I haven't seen our friends in ages, let us have a moment."
Hatter playfully nudged Alice with his shoulder. He loved it whenever she was a bit cross with Rabbit.
"What's your news, Chesire?" she asked.
"Not good, I'm afraid," he lisped. "The tweedle twins have perished. Killed by the Red Queen."
"Oh no!" Rabbit cried.
"Tragic," Caterpillar remarked.
Hatter looked like he wanted to say something, but stopped as soon as he saw Alice's face. The corners of her eyes started to prick with tears that threatened to spill, but she held them back. She had no doubt her eyes were glassy, however. There were some things she just couldn't stop.
Alice started to wonder what that meant for Rosaline. Now that Alice was back, and she had no doubt the queen knew, would she keep Rosa alive?
"What are you thinking?" Hatter asked. "Your Alice-blue eyes have gone all glassy."
"Hatter," she said, looking up to meet his eyes. "Do you think the Red Queen will kill Rosaline as well?"
Hatter gave her a sympathetic look, but he didn't answer. He clearly wanted to provide words of comfort, but found there were none. Hatter couldn't lie.
"What is that, up there?" Rabbit called out. He was pointing to the sky.
At first, all Alice saw was a dark speck moving about the clouds. Then, the speck grew larger and larger as it came closer and closer. It wasn't a speck at all - but a bird! It was unlike any bird Alice had seen back home or in Wonderland. Its wings were blue-gray and lightning gold. Its head was a soft blue and had beady orange eyes at its center. It barreled down on Alice and she swore she could see it snarl its pointed beak at her.

Chesire, desperate to dissipate and get away from the bird, had a hold of Rabbit who was shaking with terror. Caterpillar didn't seem the least bit frightened. Though, if he were, he would never show it.
The vulture dove for Alice. She felt its talons sweep over her hair before she screamed. She ducked, covering her head with her hands and cried out for Hatter.
"Don't fret, Alice," he said as he swatted the blasted bird with his umbrella. "It's unbecoming of a heroine such as yourself."
He wasn't wrong. Alice straightened up, readying herself to take on the beast.
She didn't have a weapon on her. But in Wonderland, anything was possible. She had an idea.
"Hatter!" she called out. "Toss me your umbrella."
Hatter replied in between dodges of the vulture's talons. "A - little - busy - right now - Alice!"
"Toss it!" she cried again.
Hatter let out a frustrated grunt. When he had a chance, he ducked behind a clump of thick shrubbery. The malicious bird went for Alice.
She had just enough time before its next dive to do what she intended. The vulture lifted into the air to get more speed beneath its wings as it dove. With her hand outstretched, holding the umbrella, Alice closed her eyes. She pictured a long, gleaming sword. She imagined its hard, steel hilt and a proud silver blade. Then, she felt it.
Alice opened her eyes to see the umbrella had changed into a sword. Just as she had imagined it.
"Well done, Alice!" Rabbit called out, briefly peeking out from Chesire's arms.
The vulture was just above her now. She swung the sword up, aiming for one of its legs.
She missed.
She tried again, swinging wildly about her.
The bird laughed. It actually laughed at her.
"Birds can laugh?" she asked in disbelief.
"Of course, Alice," replied Hatter. She couldn't see him, but she could hear him from behind the bush. "Anything is possible in Wonderland."
"It's clearly a manifestation of the queen's magic!" called out Rabbit.
She swung the sword again "Is that true?" she asked the vulture. If it can laugh, it possibly could talk.
"Yesss," it replied while dodging her swipes. "The queen sent me with a message."
Alice lowered the sword. "Truce," she said.
The vulture hovered above her, but stopped trying to talon her head.
"What's the message?" she asked.
She hoped she would learn how Rosa was doing if she kept the vulture talking. Maybe she could even learn where the queen was holding her captive.
The vulture came in close, putting them eye-to-eye. "Go back home and never return. Or you will lose more friends."
Alice's chest tightened at the thought of the tweedle twins.
She stiffened and set her chin in determination. She would not lose anyone else. She will not lose Rosaline.
"If she thinks sending a foul beast - "
"Or a beastly fowl," Hatter cut in.
"Is going to stop me, then she is sorely mistaken. Your threats don't scare me."
The vulture's beak contorted into a maniacal smile. "She thought you might say that."
The bird lifted up into the air, disappearing behind the clouds.
But it wasn't done yet.
In the space of a breath, the vulture dove down, launching itself at Caterpillar.
Chesire disappeared in a puff of smoke, taking rabbit with him.
Alice cried out, but Caterpillar didn't hear her. He didn't have a chance.
The bird sunk its talons into Caterpillar's throat.
Alice ran for him, but Hatter reached her before she could get to him. He held her tight. Alice howled. "Caterpillar!"
When the bird released him, Caterpillar's body slumped to the ground. The vulture stood up straighter on the mushroom cap. He looked ready to make a formal announcement. "This is your warning, Alice. Go back home."
The bird shot into the air and disappeared.
Hatter let her go, but Alice couldn't run to Caterpillar. She couldn't move. She couldn't breathe. Couldn't think.
She collapsed, folding into herself. She put both hands to the ground to hold her steady. A tear dripped from her chin onto the top of her hand. She didn't even know she had started crying.
Caterpillar was gone and it was all her fault. She tested the queen, and she lost.
What does this mean for Rosa? thought Alice. Was she still alive?
Alice didn't know if coming back to Wonderland was the right thing to do. If Rosaline was already dead, was her return all in vain?
And was she only making things worse?
She wiped her tears with her other hand and stood up. Hatter had gone to Caterpillar and was lifting him up out of the dirt.
"This is all my fault," said Alice.
Hatter gave her a hard stare. "Don't do that. Don't blame yourself for what the queen has done."
Alice didn't know how not to blame herself. "Caterpillar would still be here if I hadn't come back."
Hatter shook his head. "You don't know that. The queen wanted to punish you for taking her power away long before I brought you back."
"Hatter," she said softly. "Will she kill Rosaline to punish me? Do you think she has already?"
Hatter didn't answer.
He wrapped Caterpillar into his jacket and found a spot beneath his favorite mushroom plant to bury him.
"We'll find Rosaline, Alice."
Alice leaned into him and he put an arm around her. She knew what it took for him to say that to her. Hatter didn't lie, and he didn't make promises.
"Let's go," she said. "We still need to find our friends in Underland."
Ever the gentleman, Hatter let out his arm for her to take. They walked dejectedly down the trail toward the pub.
Sitting atop the widest, tallest mushroom plant in Wonderland was Caterpillar's prized possession: his hookah. It still burned at its bulbous bottom, the last of Caterpillar's haze floating up through its tube and into the clouds above. The smoke's curls waved gently in the air to all who passed the small mound beneath the plant. It was almost as though it were saying goodbye, goodbye to all.